Via Facebook Zheng Xuanyuan
Sedara Baba Nyonya (The Relatives’ Name Song)’
Music & Lyrics by Alvin Oon
with reference from Baba Philip Chan’s book Speak Baba Malay The Easy Way
Sedara Baba Nyonya
Know their names, nama-nama
Call your relatives correctly jangan salah
Jangan kasi orang marah
Elder brother is called your Ng Ko (NG KO)
Ng Ko’s wife is called your Ng So (NG SO)
Elder sister is your Tachi (TACHI)
Tachi’s husband is called your Chau (CHAU CHAU CHAU!)
Father’s eldest brother is your Tua Pek (TUA PEK)
Father’s younger brother is your Ng Chek (NG CHEK)
Father’s eldest sister is your Mak ko (MAK KO)
And his sisters are your Ko ko (KO KO KO!)
Mother’s eldest brother is your Tua Ku (TUA KU)
Mother’s younger brother is your Ng Ku (NG KU)
Mother’s eldest sister is your Tua Ee (TUA EE)
And her sisters are your Ee Ee (EE EE EE!)
Repeat Chorus
Your grandmother is called your Mama (MAMA)
Mama’s brother is your Ku Kong (KU KONG)
Ku Kong’s wife is called your Kim Po (KIM PO)
Mama’s sister is your Ee Po (EE PO PO)
Your grandfather is called your Kong Kong (KONG KONG)
Kong kong’s brother is your Chek Kong (CHEK KONG)
Chek Kong’s wife is called your Chim Po (CHIM PO)
Kong kong’s sister is your Ko Po (KO PO PO)
Great grandfather is your Kong Cho (KONG CHO)
Great Grandmother is your Mak Cho (MAK CHO)
Kalu lu ada great great grandmother
She is your Mak Cho Cho (MAK CHO CHO)
Repeat Chorus
Repeat Chorus
Jangan kasi orang marah
Jangan kasi orang marah
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