Kami adalah keluarga yang telah mengikuti Dizigui sejak batch II. Pada waktu kelulusan yang dilakukan pada masa covid, kami memutuskan untuk tetap mengikutsertakan anak-anak kami di batch III demi masa depan mereka untuk lebih memahami dinamika pendidikan moral dan budi pekerti dalam teori dan praktiknya. Bagi keluarga kami, Dizigui diperkenalkan awalnya oleh beberapa teman diskusi…
Author: grey
There are many Chinese temples built in Jakarta since 17th century. Beside its main function as religious place for hua religion (Chinese people religions – a mix between Buddhist, Tao, and Confucian teachings), temples have many other functions. This research will discuss several sites evidences around Jakarta’s Chinese temples which have social and cultural functions. This is qualitative research that use observation methods of the site plans and analysing primary and secondary historical data that backing up all evidences to prove that Chinese temples in Jakarta plays important part in social and community activities, either exclusively between Chinese community, or inclusive – embracing all diverse elements in local communities around the site. It is cross disciplinary research between archaeology and architecture disciplines. The result can help Chinese Indonesian community to see opportunity in using Chinese Temples for social and cultural gathering, meet-ups, and ceremonies like their ancestors did in previous centuries. This also will provide alternative solutions for the lack of communal spaces in DKI Jakarta.
Manusia Pada Dasarnya Rasis
Rasisme yang saya anggap ada dalam diri setiap manusia adalah kemampuan untuk membedakan ras, bukan kebencian atas ras. Tidak mungkin kita bisa membenci tanpa sebab jelas. Rasa benci tidak diturunkan gen. Lain halnya dengan rasa takut yang merupakan insting dasar manusia.